Economizer (Through flow)

Economizer (Through flow)

Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Manufacturer Johor Bahru (JB)
Non-Chemical Water Treatment Manufacturer Malaysia

Product Description

Generating hot water or steam is a profitable way of reusing high-temperature waste heat. This can reduce the load on process steam boilers and allows you to save fuel. The opportunity of electricity generation is also available if there is extra capacity.
Our heat pipe Economizer efficiently extract heat from hot flue gases and generate steam or hot water.

How do Heats Pipe Work?

How do heats pipe work
Primary can be hot exhaust, air, liquid, solid surface.
Secondary can be a gas, water, thermal oil, glycol, R245fa and various others.
Working fluid chosen according to temperatures involved - water, ammonia, acetone, Dowtherm, etc.
Pipe materials chosen according performance requirement of fluid types and temperatures: carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper, etc.

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